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Voicemail to Email

Allows you to listen to your voicemail from a computer, tablet or your phone.

How It Works

When a voicemail is received, an email with a digital copy of the voicemail is sent to the email address assigned to the extension receiving the voicemail. You can easily play it, share it, or store it for your records.

The voicemail system can be configured through the Admin & User Portal by selecting "Extension Settings" from the "Settings" drop-down menu. There, you can set up or disable your voicemail, change your voicemail password, and select the settings for retrieving your voicemail messages. Voicemail messages can be stored with Amp Telecom, emailed to you, or both.

Practical Uses

  • Voicemail is available anytime, regardless of hours of operation.
  • Voicemail can be accessed anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
  • The digital file is easy to share or archive for record keeping.

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