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Call Detail Report & Export

View and export up to 3 months of inbound and outbound call details. The details include the date and time of the call, the duration of the call, the caller, and the recipient of the call.

How It Works

All calls and call details are retained in the system. Log into the User Portal and choose CDR from the pull down menu. Then choose the time frame you wish to view. The report can be exported to a PDF report, Excel Spreadsheet, CSV datafile, copied to your clipboard for pasting into another application, or sent to your printer.

Practical Uses

  • Manage call time handling expectations based on your employees’ average call time lengths.
  • Determine your busiest call times of the day and week.
  • Ensure your phones are being used properly.
  • Calculate the number of minutes used by each extension.
  • Gain knowledge of which phones traffic a higher volume of calls.
  • Evaluate if your current staffing needs may require adjustment to handle call volume.

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